Thursday, December 01, 2005

Christmas coming! Closer and faster!

Well, December 1st! Wow! 24 days to Christmas!

Duncan and I got our Christmas tree up last night. It looks pretty good, but it was really weird to look at it before I went to bed and know that it's MY tree, and not the family tree. Really weird.
We just used a few colors of ornaments; red, blue, gold, and a few white ones. The lights are red, blue, and green (they didn't have ones with yellow). We got a nice star for the top, just wire framed, with curlicues in the middle. Duncan isn't too fond of it, cause it's not lit and he says you can't see it, but I like it. Most of the lit ones are really tacky. But to each his own, right?

We bought a pair of stocking hangers tonight. Each one is a great big ornament sitting on a base, and there's a bit of a hook on the base that hangs over the edge of the mantle for you to hang your stocking on. One of them has a blue ornament, and the other one has a green ornament. They're kinda nice.

I miss my Christmas stuff... Like movies and tapes and things. Almost all my Christmas movies are on video, and I don't have a VCR, I can't find my Christmas Eve on Sesame Street tape (found the case, not the tape), and my Chipmunks Christmas is a record and I don't have a turn table. Duncan has some Christmas music, but a lot of it is really strange stuff... Arrogant Worms should never have done a Christmas album.

I made unbaked cookies tonight. It's a recipe my brother and sister and I used to make together a lot. It was always kinda fun. I never realized until tonight though, that I've never made them on my own! I think they turned out okay, but I haven't had one yet. I've been waiting for them to harden. Big thank you to my big sister for the recipe!

Anyways, I guess that's about it... Duncan's staff party is this weekend, and Dad's giving us a ride there, and we're taking a cab home again. We'd take our car, but then Duncan can't drink cause he's still on the graduated lisence.

Our open house is next Saturday... I wonder how many people will actually be able to make it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope the cookies turned out - it's hard to get the timing right

Luv Sarah