Friday, December 16, 2005

As time passes

Well, it's getting even closer to Christmas... Only 9 days... We leave for Saskatchewan in 5. It's been really busy trying to get everything ready for Christmas, not to mention how busy it's been at work, and there's still so much to do! We still have to do most of our shopping, do our laundry, and I still have some work to do on a few of the Christmas presents that I've been making! Not only that, but we have to pack!

I've heard that the roads in Saskatchewan aren't necessarily all that great right now. We had thought about getting winter tires for the car, but didn't really have the cash or the time. I think we'll be okay though as long as we take our time and are really careful. We have a whole day to get there, so I think we'll be okay.

Shopping should be fun, though. *please note the sarcasm* We're doing it at West Ed this Saturday, while we're over at mom's doing our laundry. Usually we probably wouldn't, but there's some stuff that we can only get at West Ed, so we don't have that much of a choice. Thankfully, I think we know almost exactly what we need to shop for, so we shouldn't have to spend too much time in the mob of the mall.

Monday night mom is helping me finish off the last of the gifts I've been making. I'm busing over to her place after work, cause Duncan is using the car to do a little shopping on his own. I think he might be shopping for me that night. I think mom is going to be giving me a ride home after, but I need to double check. She might be a little too tired or sore, cause she goes back to work that morning. She's been off for a week since she hurt her ankle at the dog run. It's not broken or anything, but she says that she almost wishes it was. It's just badly injured tendons and ligaments, not torn, but close to it, and that takes longer to heal than a break would. Not only that, but it's harder to take care of. A break is casted, but a severe strain is still free to move so you can reinjure it fairly easily.

Tuesday I think we're probably going to dads to drop off a key. He said that he and Aunty can check on our place while we're gone... Make sure the mail gets in, stuff like that. I'm gonna water the plants before we go, so they should be okay. They only need water about once a week. You know what's really great?! I've never been good with plants, especially not with Christmas Cactuses, but I've got two Christmas cactuses and an umbrella plant right now. The umbrella plant was a wedding gift. Anyways, the umbrella plant and the Christmas cactus that I bought (the other one I got from Grandma...she started it from cuttings from her cactuses), both have new growth on them! It's great! The umbrella plant has a few new branches, and the cactus has a bunch of tiny new leaves starting! That's really exciting! Now lets see how well I do with the three poinsettas that I got as housewarming gifts. So far two of them are doing okay, but the other one is pretty droopy and I don't know why. The soil is wet (it was when I got it) so I don't want to water it anymore, but I don't know what else to do with it! *shrug* Oh well. I guess that pointsettas are mostly a Christmas-time plant anyways.

I still think that it's gonna be strange to be gone for Christmas, but I'm starting to think that it's gonna be a lot of fun too. I like having younger brother-type people, and I always have lots of fun with Duncan's family. I'm sure that I'll still have my sad moments, but I know that Brian and Susie will let me call home whenever I need to. It'll be weird, and I'm still pretty nervous about being away from my family, but I think it'll be okay.

Anyways, I have to leave for work soon, so I better go. Merry Christmas everybody!

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