Monday, December 12, 2005

Closer to exhaustion...

Wow. There's only like 13 days to Christmas, and only 9 or so until we leave for Saskatchewan. The closer it gets, the worse I'm sleeping. I totally destroyed the bed last night with all my tossing and turning. Nothing was tucked in any more and I actually managed to turn the duvet so it was sideways on the bed.

I haven't been this bad a sleeper in a long time... I feel bad for Duncan... He's never seen me like this, and I'm sure that I must be keeping him awake too. He says I'm not, and I know he usually sleeps like a rock, but I've been tossing and turning A LOT these last few nights. I can't imagine how he can sleep through it.

Don't get me wrong... I'm excited about going to Saskatchewan for Christmas, but I'm really nervous too, and it seems like the closer it gets to the day we leave the worse it gets. And of course, the more nervous I get, the worse I'm sleeping.

I'm gonna try using one of the machines that Duncan builds at work tonight, and hopefully that will help.

Oh! Lindsey's coming over tonight! Today is officially her last day of school, so she's gonna come over and have a drink with us to celebrate.

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