Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Working... At last! *huge sigh of relief*

After a hiatus of more than a year, I've finally managed to resume work on my novel.

To the tune of nearly 2000 words today.

I lost a lot of myself last February, and I can't even express just how deeply and how much of my life was affected by that loss. Since then, no matter how I've tried, I have been unable to write.

Until now.

Over the last ... we'll say 2 weeks ...I have been trying steadily to get back to work on my novel. It has been slow going for the most part. I spent 4 hours one day to come up with a total of about 75 words. But then I had a dream, I knew what needed to be happening next, and the words began to flow again. *chuckles* To the point that I went back through the entire story and added a whole new character!

Granted, it started slowly, but if today's progress is anything to judge by, my goal of reaching 50,000 words by the end of the year is not as unreachable as I was starting to think it was.

I'm not holding my breath yet, or counting any unhatched chickens, but I'm actually feeling vaguely optimistic.

And over all, I know that the one I lost is still watching over me. And I hope that I manage to make him proud of me.

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