Monday, April 27, 2009

Stories, characters, notes, and more...

Well, I didn't exactly get any writing done, but I did spend some time this weekend making notes.

I sat down, made out a list of questions that need to be answered for my new story, and then made notes about the answers.

I can't say for certain that it got me closer to writing, but it sorted out a lot of the complications in my head.

Not only that, but I think I've got a base for a character, and the funny thing is, I've known her for a while already. She's actually a character I came up with for RP a long time ago, but never played more than once or twice. She'll need a little editing, and a lot of fleshing out, but I think she'll give me a good leaping point.

I'm hoping that I'll actually get some writing done in the next few weeks... But my problem is, I don't really know where to start.

This is really one of the first times I've really sat down and made notes and things like this for any of my writing. Usually, it doesn't work for me... But this time I had so many things to try and figure out, that it was necessary. And really... I feel pretty good about it.

In other news... I have a lot of other things going through my mind. I'm hoping to be able to get a lot of that cleared up in the next little while too.

Wish me luck.

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