Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The strangest ...

So even just a few days ago... or maybe it was only yesterday... I didn't know how I was going to start writing my newest story idea.

Today on the bus, it hit me, and suddenly I just knew.

I haven't actually started writing yet, but I know how I'm going to start. And knowing where to start, I know a little bit more about the tone of the story, the characterizations...

I'm looking forward to working on this!

Hopefully tomorrow or maybe Friday!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Stories, characters, notes, and more...

Well, I didn't exactly get any writing done, but I did spend some time this weekend making notes.

I sat down, made out a list of questions that need to be answered for my new story, and then made notes about the answers.

I can't say for certain that it got me closer to writing, but it sorted out a lot of the complications in my head.

Not only that, but I think I've got a base for a character, and the funny thing is, I've known her for a while already. She's actually a character I came up with for RP a long time ago, but never played more than once or twice. She'll need a little editing, and a lot of fleshing out, but I think she'll give me a good leaping point.

I'm hoping that I'll actually get some writing done in the next few weeks... But my problem is, I don't really know where to start.

This is really one of the first times I've really sat down and made notes and things like this for any of my writing. Usually, it doesn't work for me... But this time I had so many things to try and figure out, that it was necessary. And really... I feel pretty good about it.

In other news... I have a lot of other things going through my mind. I'm hoping to be able to get a lot of that cleared up in the next little while too.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When something sticks in my mind...

So apparently wolves have been on my mind lately. Not entirely surprising, since they're my favorite animal.

Well... My favorite animal that is commonly accepted to actually exist. :p Dragons, of course, most people just don't believe in.

Wolves... and Wer. Sometimes ~though not always~ together.

I read a series a while ago (as I'm sure you've seen as per my last post :p) that dealt a great deal with Alpha wolves. Some of my favorite books (which I plan on reading next) are about Wer-Dragons. Right now, I'm reading a book that has brought up an interesting new idea... an Omega wolf.

When I haven't been reading, I've spent some of my spare time playing around online as my very own Fairy, in Pixie Hollow.

All together, in one way or another, these things have got me thinking about a few new ideas.

First... I started wondering about Wer. What kind of Wer have I heard or read about? What kind of Wer have I imagined? ... What kind of Wer would I be, if I could be Wer? I didn't really get very far with this idea... Other than to have some sort of vague ideas about a Wer-fox.

But then I got back to thinking about Wer and wolves, and Alphas, and now Omegas... And that's when the idea really hit me.

My main character isn't a Wer... but she probably should have been.

I can't decide if only one of her parents was Wer, or if both of them were. Either way, she was born human.

With a slight twist... *evil grin*

She still has the instincts, the personality, of any other wolf. And being female, and not any normal wolf ~wolves don't usually like what's different~ she is decidedly submissive.

The long and the short of the story ~or at least the idea behind the story~ is that she is, for one reason or another, alone in the world without her parents or her pack, and trying to figure out how to deal with her wolfish nature in a human world.

She doesn't have a name yet, but she's already an interesting character. I'm really looking forward to working with her, and telling her story.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Wolves and men, and the strange thoughts that go through my head in the middle of the night...

So, for the last week or so I've been reading a series of books that include werewolves as a lot of the main characters. And it gives them a lot of traits of normal wolves, especially the pack dynamics. There's a lot of discussion in the books about dominants, and heirarchy, and rank and status.

Now, all my life I've had an affinity for wolves. Other than the raptorial birds, wolves are probably the animals that I feel most ... I hesitate to say akin to, but you get the point anyways. So because I've always been interested in wolves, I have done a little looking into the way they work, and the pack dynamics and such.

But anyways... These books have got me thinking about that... If I was a wolf, where would I fit? Where would the people I know fit? And how would that change things?

I've been thinking about this a lot over the past weekend, and only managed to come to one firm conclusion... The person who would have been my Alpha is gone.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Working... At last! *huge sigh of relief*

After a hiatus of more than a year, I've finally managed to resume work on my novel.

To the tune of nearly 2000 words today.

I lost a lot of myself last February, and I can't even express just how deeply and how much of my life was affected by that loss. Since then, no matter how I've tried, I have been unable to write.

Until now.

Over the last ... we'll say 2 weeks ...I have been trying steadily to get back to work on my novel. It has been slow going for the most part. I spent 4 hours one day to come up with a total of about 75 words. But then I had a dream, I knew what needed to be happening next, and the words began to flow again. *chuckles* To the point that I went back through the entire story and added a whole new character!

Granted, it started slowly, but if today's progress is anything to judge by, my goal of reaching 50,000 words by the end of the year is not as unreachable as I was starting to think it was.

I'm not holding my breath yet, or counting any unhatched chickens, but I'm actually feeling vaguely optimistic.

And over all, I know that the one I lost is still watching over me. And I hope that I manage to make him proud of me.