Sunday, February 12, 2006

Not a good weekend.

Well, this week started out not too bad. Work was busy as usual, but nothing out of the ordinary or anything. I was feeling a little under the weather, but nothing serious; just a little stuffy and worn down, my chest a little tight and a bit of a cough.
Then I got off work early on Friday and was talking to Matt online, and everything changed.
Duncan's dad is in the hospital right now. He started having problems with his leg on Friday, went to the family doctor, who sent him straight to the hospital. They did blood tests and ultrasounds, checking for gout and a blood clot (or DVT), but both tests came back clear.
They sent out cultures, and at this point it looks like a skin infection called cellulitis. He's on IV antibiotics right now, and should hopefully start showing improvement either today or tomorrow. If the antibiotics don't work, I suppose that they may have to look at other possibilities.
It's been a little difficult. Honestly, I think the worst part for both of us is being so far away. With the long weekend coming up we're trying to determine if it might be feasible to go down there, but I think we're going to wait and see what happens.
Susie is keeping us updated, and I'll keep the blog updated. Just keep all of us in your thoughts right now.

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