Sunday, February 26, 2006

Changes again, and brand new ideas!

Well, the update on Brian to start...
He's home! He got out of the hospital on Friday, and is home now! It turns out that the infection hadn't spread after all, and he was just having a reaction to the penicillin! He's glad to be home, but is still very tired. He needs to take it easy for the next few weeks at least, and I think that's probably the hardest part right now. But he's home, and that's a step!

As for the new ideas...
I've got a story idea that I've been working on that seems to be moving along very well. I'm working a little every day after work (even if all I do is stare at the paper!), and I'm feeling very good about it!
But I actually had a very peculiar dream last night that gave me an idea for a story some time in the future. It was about the evolution of vampires... See, they had decided, as a race, that they just didn't have a strong enough hold on the world only being able to come out at night, so they made themselves evolve. If they first changed during the night, they became a more traditional vampire. If they first changed during the day, then they had a choice to be like a traditional vampire of to work during the day. The sunlight wouldn't burn them like it did the others, it would just make them feel very cold.
It was a very strange dream, and a lot of the characters in it were people that I know (or that I knew). Maybe next time I see you all, I'll tell you more about it! It was very interesting!

Anyways, talk to you soon!

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