Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Spoke too soon...

Well, it looks like Brian will be in the hospital longer that we thought at the end of last week.

I guess they had switched his medication to a couple different heavy duty penicillins, but they've had to switch him back to the antibiotic he was on before. While he was on the penicillin the infection started to spread again, and has now climbed above his knee. The swelling has been increasing again, and now he has a spot on his arm that seems to be starting this all over again.

In short, they're not happy with the way he's been responding to the medication, and want to keep him in the hospital until he's getting better and can be switched to oral medications instead of the IV that he's on right now.

Susie is getting very tired right now. She's in the city most of the day, is trying to make Brian's schedule is clear for the next few weeks since they don't know when he'll be getting out of the hospital, as well as working full time and trying to keep the house going. Thankfully both Matt and Steve are older now and can help and take care of themselves. Steve has been driving everyone into town in the morning, and picking them up again later, and I'm sure that he and Matt both know how to feed themselves sufficiently. I'm sure that makes everything a lot easier for Susie; I can only imagine what this would all be like for her if the boys were younger and still in school and such.

On another note... I'm home sick today, with what I'm sure is a touch of food poisoning. I think our sour cream (which I had liberal amounts of on my perogies last night) was a little off. I'm the only one who ate any, and I'm the only one who's sick. Thankfully I'm starting to be able to keep food down again, so with luck I'll be better tomorrow. I felt so bad having to call in sick at work today... They have 5 doctors in, and must be really busy. I can't help it though, and my office manager was really great about it when I talked to her. For the most part, it's a really good place to work.

Anyways, I will keep updating as we hear more about Brian.

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