Monday, March 20, 2006


I know that it's been forever since I posted last, but life has been so busy lately!

We helped Dad and Aunty move into their new place a few weekends ago, I had a birthday, we had games night, there's been a ton of snow... And my writing has been going pretty well so I've been spending as much time as I can on that.

I'm actually really happy with the way my writing's been going lately. For I think the first time in my life I'm happy with what I've written, and I can see where the story is supposed to be going. It's very exciting.

Now I'm not saying that when I go back and read over my work I think...

"Man, this is great and I'll get a publishing contract right away and everyone will love it and I'll sell millions of copies and be bigger than Harry Potter,"

but at least I'm not thinking...

"Urgh, this is horrible! What was I thinking?!"

which is more what I'm used to thinking, to be entirely honest.

But it's exciting to think that it's not half bad, to actually like my own work. Like I said, I don't know if that's ever really happened before. With my poetry, maybe, but not with my fiction. I've even been looking into a self-publishing site that does Print on Demand, printing each copy as it's ordered and payed for instead of me having to put out several hundred dollars to print like 500 copies that I wouldn't have a clue what to do with! Of course, I have to finish writing before I can publish.

Umm... There was something else I was going to say... Oh! I remember!

Duncan and I are going to see Phantom in September! NAIT had a deal for it's alumni and employees that they could order Phantom tickets before they became available to the public and for like a 10% discount! We ordered 2 tickets the other day, and the seats are really good! Main floor centre, rows D-F!

There was a bit of a scare just after that though, when I was on the Jubilee's website. I guess some sites are selling individual tickets without authorization, and so we had to go back to the e-mail Duncan had gotten from NAIT to make sure that it was an authorized dealer. Thankfully it was; there are a few sites (mostly connected to Broadway Across Canada) that are authorized for group ticket sales, and NAIT is using one of them. That was a real relief!

So yeah, writing is going great and I get to see Phantom with Duncan in September.

I guess that's all for now... I promise to try and write again soon!

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