Monday, December 19, 2005

Doesn't it just figure?!

Well, we leave in two days, and I'm just not really impressed.

I'm seeing a doctor this morning cause I think I have a bladder infection. I've been feeling it for about a week, but didn't really know what it could be until I talked to mom on Saturday.

Now, the thing about bladder infections is that the doctor usually wants to confirm it with a urine test, but I don't think that's really a feasible option right now. I don't really want to go into it at the moment, but lets just say an extra friend came to visit. Not only does that get in the way of the urine test, but won't that be great for travelling?!

On the other hand, we've got packages all wrapped (except the ones that mom is helping me finish tonight), the laundry is all done, and we're going to dad's tomorrow to get the shrimp ready. Basically, we just need to pack, I think. I just have this horrible feeling that we're going to forget something that we'll wind up needing. I'm going to try and make a list of all the extra things that we need to take other than the clothes and packages. Things like my recipe box, and our card games... *sigh* Hopefully we'll remember everything.

Anyways, this seems like a good time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (or whatever other winter holiday you may happen to celebrate). I hope the season is a time of peace and joy, and that you spend time with the ones who are truly important to you!

Merry Christmas!

(but don't worry, I'll be back on to post at least once more before Christmas day)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey babe;

You should be there by now - hope you had a good trip and everything worked out.

Talk to you on Christmas - keep your cell on

Luv your sis