Monday, January 30, 2006

I know, I know, and I'm sorry...!

I know that it's been forever. I really do mean to update more regularly, but it never seems to work out that way.

Work has still been really busy. Today was quiter though, which was nice. I'm still doing reception on Thursdays and Fridays, and helping with reception (as well as the filing and scanning) on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Thankfully they've been very good about making sure that I get Wednesday afternoons off, and I'm going to be looking into taking a full Wednesday off in the next few weeks. I've been learning a few new things lately too. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about some of them, but learning new things can't be all bad. And they say that stepping outside your comfort zone a little is a good thing, and this is definately outside my comfort zone!

Duncan has been really busy lateley working on an entry for a contest. If he wins, he'll get an interview at a company he's wanted to work for almost forever. Like I said though, it's kept him busy for the last few weeks, and I haven't seen too much of him in the evenings. The entries are all due in tonight though, so then we'll see what happens. I'm really hoping that he'll do well. The idea is really good, and I'm sure that his writing will be great too.

So we got that DVD that I was talking about before... The musical. It was really good! We didn't watch it all in one night, cause it's really long, but there's an intermission in the middle, so that made a good place to break. I really recommend it!

So our games night was this past Saturday, and it was so great! We had about ... *counts* ...9 people, and everybody had tons of fun! There was a game of Munchkin, and of Apples to Apples (which Matt brought... It's a really interesting game, and I think we'll look into getting it sometime!), and then Cranium. I didn't play much, but I had a lot of fun watching everyone else play, and helping out once in a while. There was also another really fun game, called let's figure out how you get your piercing out! And then, once we got them out, we played lets get it back in again! See, Lindsey has a lip ring, and I've got my right helix done. We both wear rings with balls in them, but nobody had ever explained to us how they come out! We knew they didn't screw in, but other than that we were lost! Thankfully Rob and Dano have both had rings like this (Dano in her eyebrow, and Rob in his helix), and so they showed us. Lindsey's ring needed to be bent out before we could get the ball back in again though! And then we lost her ball and everyone spent almost 10 minutes crawling around on the floor tryng to find it! It was actually kind of fun!

I had kind of a miserable day today though... For some reason it was just one of those days where you feel like bursting into tears and you don't know why. All I wanted to do was come home and go to bed. I don't feel so bad now, but I felt pretty down earlier. I couldn't really focus, either... Anyways I feel better now, at least a little bit. Just sitting around and watching "The 10th Kingdom."

But I guess that's all I know for now... If I think of anything later I'll come back.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What a life...!

Well, here I am with a seriously stuffed up nose, living on cold and sinus tablets so I won't have to miss any more time at work. Honestly though, they say that they want me to have more time off so I don't burn out, but then they tell me I'm taking too much time off! Not only that, but our Saturday girl is going to be away, and so they asked me if I could fill in. I said no and they seemed really miffed! I don't know what's going on, but somedays I really don't feel like working there any more. I know that I should probably talk to someone about it, but I don't know how to go about doing it. I don't want to sound like a raving bitch, cause then I'll lose my job!

I got this cool new program for my computer. It's called Skype, and it lets you talk to people (with your voice) over the computer! I talked to a friend of mine in Japan for like an hour and a half the other night. Thank God Skype is free, or that call would have cost a fourtune! Anyways, I think it's pretty cool. Kinda useful actually, so long as you have a head set with mic of course. You just download it for free from the internet, and then install, and then talk!

So I've got Duncan started playing Chuzzle on popcap, which is really kinda funny. It's just this mindless little game where you makes rows of 3 and the chuzzles explode. I think it's kinda fun, but he's never really been into that kinda stuff. He's made it farther than I have even. I've only made it to level 10, but he's made it to level 12. He seems to take it very seriously.

Anyways, dinner is ready.

Friday, January 13, 2006


I know that it's been a while, and I'm sorry. Work and life has been insane, and in all truth I haven't felt like doing all that much.

I still don't feel quite comfortable with my new responsibilities at work, and to be honest, I almost feel like I'm letting people down. I hate letting people down. I don't know what to do about it though... I'm not as comfortable with the new office managers as I was with the one who retired, and I don't know why. I guess I could call her and talk about it, but I feel like that would be telling tales out of school.

I've finally been working towards finishing the cross stitch pictures that I started for my step mom and for Duncan's parents for Christmas in '04. I feel like they're coming together, even though they're both a lot of work. Once I'm done those, I'm not sure what I'll do next... Maybe something for my grandma Vance... Even though, to be totally honest, I'm a little uncomfortable about stitching anything for her; she's just so good at it herself I feel like anything I do will be like drawing a stick figure for DaVinci, or giving Tchaikovsky the sheet music for "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!" I know she won't see it that way, but I feel that way.

Duncan and I use this online DVD rental service, where we get DVD's sent to us by mail (up to 4 at a time with the program that we use), we can keep them as long as we want, and we can see as many as we want a month. I just signed up to rent one called "Into the Woods," and it's a DVD that's basically the Broadway show on film (from what I understand). I really hope it gets here soon! See, I basically fell in love with this show when my older sister's high school did it. I think we saw it twice during the run! Then, it came to the Citadel, and my mom and I went to see it. I've seen the DVD in stores, but because it's a low numbers printing, it's really expensive (like $55 or something, which is fine for a box set of several movies, but for one that doesn't even have special features, it's a little pricey). Anyways, I've wanted Duncan to see it, so when I found out that this DVD service carries it I put it on our list and ASAP'd it right away!

Duncan and I are trying to have another games night soon... on Jan 28. I really hope that more people come than last time. The good thing is that 2 people have already said they'd be there, barring unforseen circumstances, so it should be lots of fun. Then I'll have to think about if I'm gonna do anything for my birthday.