Monday, January 26, 2009


It's been a long time since I posted, mostly cause it's been a really long year.

Losing my dad last February was really really hard on me. I couldn't write anything after, for a long time... I didn't have the heart for writing. I couldn't work on my story, had no poetry in me... I was a mess.

But in about June or July (4 months or so after we moved into our new place... Yes, we bought a house), I picked up a pencil, opened my laptop, and words slowly started to flow again. Not quickly, not as brightly as before, but flowing.

I haven't written much, and I still haven't been able to write a poem for my dad, but it's nice to be writing again at all.

I do have a poem that I want to post, but it hasn't made the transition from paper to computer yet. I'm gonna try and do that later today, and then I'll post it.

And hopefully I'll be posting a lot more often now.

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