Friday, January 26, 2007

Okay, so talk about forever!

I can't believe that it's been almost a year since I posted anything! God am I ever bad at this! Not that anyone ever reads this anyways...

But yeah, since I last wrote a TON of stuff's happened! Let me think...

In April I was tagged by an old friend from Junior high, and she and I hit it off again and are best friends just like we were back in school. She's married and her husband and I are pretty good friends too, and he's fairly good friends with my hubby, so that's just awesome! Now when she and I got back in touch she was expecting, so they now have the cutest little boy, and I'm kind of an honorary aunt as well as a real one!

And speaking of being an aunt, I am twice! My brother and his fiance had another little boy not too long ago, so now I have 2 sweet little nephews!

Duncan and I went to Phantom in September, and it was just great! Our seats were amazing! I actually got to go see it twice, cause I took Ruth a few weeks after Duncan and I went. She really really wanted to go, and I remembered that I had a really great older sister who took me when I was young, so I wanted to do something for her. Ruth and I sat up in the second balcony, but I don't think she cared. She was just happy to be there.

As for the writing... Yeah, I don't think I've really done any in the last year, and that's really sad... There's one idea that I've been trying to work on with my best friends hubby, and it's a really good idea, but we never have the time to get together to work on it, and trying to dialogue online just doesn't work very well, so I don't know what's gonna happen. Which is really sad, cause it could be a really good story. *shrugs* But... what are you gonna do, right?

Anyways, just looked at the time, and I better head off to work... And then Ruth is coming over for the weekend cause Duncan's gonna be busy at this worship learning conference thingie...


Anonymous said...

Welcome back - it's great to see a new posting :) love you babe

Anonymous said...

OMG! BLOG! Maybe I should start my own up again...