Sunday, January 06, 2008

Excerpt #2

Okay, since there has been interest, here's another little piece of the story. A short piece, mind, but a piece.

"Well, honey, are you ready to go home?"
Rowynne nodded sleepily, her arms wrapped tightly around a brand new teddy, her head drooping. Smiling tenderly Lydia pulled her camera out of her purse and snapped a few pictures before loading Rowynne into the car. It was too good of a shot to miss, the little chestnut head bowed sleepily against the bears golden fur. Everyone would love it. Might even be frame-worthy, if the pictures printed nicely enough. And edited to black and white, or even to a focal black and white, it would have a very classic feel.
She smiled a little dreamily as she finished getting Rowynne into the car seat and loaded the stroller into the trunk. Her mind was racing over all the different things that she could do with the new pictures; the different ways she could edit them, frame them, where she could display them at home, who might like a copy.
She'd really thrown herself into photography since Rowynne was born. It had always been an interest of hers, but in the last three, almost four, years it had become more of a passion. She carried her camera everywhere now, tucked into a little corner of her purse, always ready if the perfect picture turned up. She was sure that she'd taken thousands of pictures since Rowynne was born. There was a whole cabinet of photo albums at home, pictures on all the walls. She'd even made a little extra money over the years by entering a few of her best pictures in photography contests. Pictures were such a good way to keep in touch, to keep people involved. People that couldn't be involved other ways.
She sighed and started the car, steering out of the parking lot and towards home. It really had been a long day, and she was about ready to put Rowynne down for her nap and have a nice hot bath. Maybe spend a little time reading. After everything she'd gone through today, she deserved a little quiet time. First, she'd had a very stressful day at work, the kind of day where nothing went right. Then there'd been the miserable, gossipy old biddies at the mall, and she just knew she'd catch hell from her grandmother for telling them off, but that was just too bad right now; she was tired of everyone making judgments about her life. Then the stroller had lost a wheel in the department store and she had to buy a new one, and somehow in the transfer from the broken one to the new one she'd managed to lose Rowynne's sippy cup, her little yellow stuffed sheep that she took almost everywhere, and her own new sunglasses. Thankfully, the sunglasses were a $5 pair she'd bought to wear with her contacts, and not her prescription ones, but it was still frustrating. Not to mention that she now had a new stroller to get used to.

I don't know when or if I'll post another one, but here's a little taste. Hope you enjoy it.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Great stuff. I must read the story. What's going on behind what's going on, I wonder?