Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The amazing ideas you get from post it notes...

Ever seen those so called pop-up post it notes? The ones where each one is connected on the opposite side than the next one? So that they make a little zigzag when you hold them up? *sigh* God, I hope that made sense to at least someone out there...!

Anyways, last time they bought post it notes at work they bought the pop up ones by mistake, and being the kind of person that always needs to be doing something with my hands I've been playing with them while I've been on the phone at work... And it got me thinking...

You know how in movies when people shuffle cards and it looks all flashy and stuff? And they hold the cards up and kinda drop them into the other hand? Well...

Okay, I'm sure that anyone who knows me has started to put 2 and 2 together already... Especially when I say that I bought 2 decks of playing cards and a roll of good scotch tape... Now I just wonder if it'll work better end to end or side to side? (hence buying 2 decks of cards)

By the way... Some of my friends (no names!) are obviously bad influences!

1 comment:

Duncan M said...

We have a digital camera... where are the pictures? This post demands artistic pictures of your creations.
