Sunday, March 15, 2009


Okay, so I've got my computer back!

I've actually had her back for a few weeks, but it took me at least a week to get her up and running again. Apparently while they were running diagnostics there was indications that my hard-drive was failing, so they replaced it.

Which means I had to reinstall everything, and that took a while.

After that... Well, life was just pretty busy, so I haven't had a chance to come up with anything interesting to write.

I am writing though.

I've been working my way (slowly, but still...) through a book called 30 Steps to Becoming a Writer. I've got myself set up with a writing place, and a writers notebook, I've set goals for the next year, and I've been working on lists of things that move me somehow. These lists will eventually turn into huge wells of inspiration (or so the book says, anyways) that I can come back to whenever I get stuck.

And I've been trying to work on that short story that I posted part of, but that's not been going so well. I'm thinking about restarting it...

And I've got a few new ideas that I may or may not start working on. I'm kinda struggling with one of them right now... It seems like a rather cliche idea, so I'm not sure if I'm actually going to work on it, or just let it go. It would be kinda cool to make a cliche idea seem not so cliche, but I'm just really not sure if I can do it.

*shrugs* Eh... One step at a time, right? You try more steps than that and you're bound to fall over! :p