Thursday, August 23, 2007

Powerful Upheaval

Well... Where to start?

This past little while has been far more than a little stressful. Just one thing after another.

Duncan and I have to move. Probably within the next 3 months, so we're looking at a move in October or November.
See, the rent at our place is going to be going up an incredible amount. Like... about 35%. Which is insane. And there's no way we can afford the new amount. The rent increase, with utilities and everything on top of that, means that it would be costing us more than half of what we make in a month. Which is way way way not good.

My dad was in the hospital this past weekend too. His blood sugar levels were insanely high, so he's on insulin now, where he was just on meds before. He didn't want to be on insulin, but now he's just got no choice.

And I have gotten a promotion of sorts at work... Instead of spending 2 of the 4 days I'm at work scanning, I'll be doing reception full time. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it yet, but I know I feel better about doing reception all the time than I do about dealing with a new girl in a situation as busy as the office will be.
See, the reason why this is happening is because we're getting a new doctor at the clinic. And with this new doctor comes a bunch of schedule changes, and there'll always be 4 doctors on. Which is insanely busy. Not a good situation for someone half trained, which is the best we could do in less than a month. So the best situation is the one we've got, with me moving up to reception.
I suppose the good thing is, I know they have faith in me. They even told me that they feel my abilities are wasted spending so much time in the corner with a machine.

Anywho, that's enough venting for the moment I think. I suppose I'll keep everyone up to date as I can. I just hope it all works out okay.

*waves* Ta-ta!