Friday, February 16, 2007

Busy week, busy weekend!

Well, this past week has been insanely busy! And it looks like this weekend will be busy too!

Let's see, I had to go into work on Monday cause I was sick all week last week with the stomach flu, and they had problems with the scanner while I was away, so I had to go in and fix things and get all caught up.

Then I spent a few evenings over at my best friends helping them pack, cause they're moving this weekend! And Duncan spent Monday evening at the church for another meeting for his creative arts team stuff...

Tuesday night we went and hung out with Dad, cause his health has been pretty bad lately. We actually thought that the doctor was going to put him in the hospital Tuesday morning, but she didn't. She sent him to a specialist Wednesday morning, and we thought the specialist might put him in the hospital, but thankfully he didn't either. Dad just has to go back to see him every few days. He saw him again this morning, and has to see him again on Tuesday. They changed a few of his meds, so they're monitoring him pretty closely. I'm just glad that he's stable enough to be at home.

Wednesday was valentines... I hung out at Wendy's again... Not really big on valentines I guess... Maybe cause it never seemed to work out while we were dating.

Um... Thursday I worked on cleaning the house...

Friday I fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie, so now I have a stiff neck!

Now tomorrow's Saturday, and we're helping Wendy move in the morning, having Games Night in the afternoon. Sunday we go to church, then probably to Grandma's for a bit... Maybe to Wendy's again if they need help setting up.

Monday I'm either going to be helping Wendy clean their old apartment, or babysitting while she and her Grandma clean her old apartment!

*chuckles* Busy busy busy!